Our Mission

At Flexion Point, our mission is to build great businesses by building great relationships. We understand the crucial challenge of being successful at business is having the right person, in the right place, at the right time. Our simple and organic model is built around bringing the right people to the table at the right time. Our diverse team is industry agnostic and focused on providing deep expertise in business support functions. We provide our clients with a tailored experience that helps scale the business and our incentives are aligned to meeting your goals.


Execute Relentlessly

→ Streamline and simplify. Complexity breeds exponential work, change, and cost.

→ Harness risk. Find the next opportunity and seize it to create value.

→ Create rhythm. Be the drum beat for your team, steady and strong on the road to victory.

Relationships First

→ Cultivate generosity. Everyone will struggle and fail at some point. Be the helping hand up.

→ Lead with integrity. Be the example you want to see in your team.

→ Be honest about what you can deliver. Everyone has limitations and constraints - know your own.

Embrace Flexibility

→ Businesses and people move through seasons. Know where you are and what you need.

→ Live freely. Freedom is choosing who we work with and how, so that we can be our best selves.

→ Be transformational. Replace and reinvent yourself so that new opportunities can flourish.

a letter from our cEo

At Flexion Point, we pride ourselves on upholding four core pillars of culture that guide our every action and decision: Relationships First, Execute Relentlessly, Embrace Flexibility, and Lead with Integrity.

First and foremost, we believe in prioritizing Relationships First. Building strong connections with our clients and team members is the foundation of our success. We understand that trust and collaboration are essential in achieving our shared goals.

We also hold ourselves to the highest standards of excellence, committing to Execute Relentlessly. Whether it's providing fractional CFO consulting or delivering accounting, finance, and HR support, we approach every task with determination and precision, striving for outstanding results.

In today's ever-changing business landscape, we recognize the importance of Embracing Flexibility. We adapt to our clients' evolving needs, offering customized solutions that drive growth and innovation.

Finally, we Lead with Integrity in all that we do. Honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior are non-negotiable values that guide our interactions and decisions. We believe that true leadership is rooted in integrity, inspiring trust and confidence in those we serve.

As we continue on our journey of empowering businesses to thrive, I invite you to join us in embracing these core values. Together, let's build a future where success is measured not only by financial achievements but by the strength of our relationships and the integrity of our actions.

Thank you for your unwavering support and partnership.

Warm regards,

Stuart McLendon

President & CEO of Flexion Point, Inc.